
  • Before working with F.A.M. Fitness, Individuals are required to partake in a Wellness questionnaire. This Questionnaire is Designed to provide the best service and put you on the trajectory to reach your Goals.

    After your SMARTGoal is discovered and articulated to a level of understanding, we SChedule a time to go through a Physical Body assessment - Assessments Can vary depending on your goals.

    These assessments are constructed to establish your starting point before creating a system that puts you on the trajectory of achieving your personal goals.

    Every program is designed specifically for you and/or small group and will cater to what you are looking to improve.

  • A broad range of activities and exercises designed to improve overall fitness and health. 

    • Athleticism (Speed, Agility, Quickness, Power)

    • Range of Motion (Mobility/ Flexibility)

    • Cardiovascular

    • Endurance

    • Strength

    • Functional Training (performing daily task efficiently and safely)

    • Balance and Stability

    • Basic nutritional principles to support exercise and recovery

  • focuses on developing the specific abilities required to excel on the court.

    • Foot work

    • Ball Handling

    • In Game Situations (Basketball IQ)

      • Picking your Spots on the court

      • Reading defenses

    • Shooting/Finishing

    • Defense

    • Passing

    • Confidence

    • Teamwork

Payment Packages

  • Price: $3,000

    Includes: 30 one-on-one in-person Sessions over a 3 month period.

    • a personalized program and Nutrition Support/Coaching

  • Price: $800–$1,200
    8–12 one-on-one in-person sessions over a 4–6 week period

    • a personalized program and Nutrition Support/Coaching

  • Price: $600–$750
    Includes: 2–4 one-on-one in-person sessions per month

    • weekly or bi-weekly Check-In Phone Calls, a personalized program, and Nutrition Support/Coaching

  • Price: $500

    • weekly or bi-weekly Check-In Phone Calls, a personalized program, and Nutrition Support/Coaching

    Does Not Include 1-on-1 In-Person Sessions.

Individuals Session Payments

email for Payment Link

  • 1-on-1: $125

  • 2 person: $140 ($70 per person)

    3-5 person: $150-$250 ($50 Per Person)

    6-8 person: $240-$320 ($40 per Person)

    • Basketball Services: $150-$200 ($25 per person for basketball services if location and space is provided)

    Send Direct Message For Large Group Sessions of 8+ People

Online - Individual Session Payments

email for Payment Link

  • 1-on-1: $100

  • 2-5 person: $100-$250 ($50 Per Person)

    6-12 person: $240-$480 ($40 per person)